

Context.   (Warning: this blog isn’t going to be about politics. Although my example comes from the halls of Congress.) A few months ago, the presidents of three prestigious universities (Harvard, Penn, and MIT) were called before a congressional hearing and...
Not Allowed

Not Allowed

I recently had neck surgery. The doctors put restrictions on what I was allowed to do during the recovery from surgery. Immediately after surgery, they told me to limit my twisting and turning of my neck, running, jumping, and lifting anything over 10 pounds. I was...
Elmo and the Mayo Clinic

Elmo and the Mayo Clinic

I last wrote a blog a long time ago (and we have yet to get any complaints). It is a new year, and it is time to start up again. I want to start it like every New Year by honoring my grandfather, Elmo Chapin. This Saturday is the anniversary of his birth. At Willmar...
Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

The year is ending, and for most people, it means reflecting on 2023 and looking forward to 2024. Regardless of how the year went, we all want next year to be better. In business, we want more profits, fewer injuries, a more considerable backlog, less conflict on our...
Not Awesome

Not Awesome

In the excellent movie, “The Lego Movie,” Emmet would have you believe everything is Awesome. The movie even has a song about it. The chorus of the terrific song is: Everything is awesome Everything is cool when you’re part of a team Everything is...